The MiX

The MiX has successfully launched it’s 2.0 programming and membership has expanded to 80 teens, almost doubling our membership size in just a couple of months! MiX members have created a number of excellent MEGA MiX Monthly and Challenge videos that help expose others to current STEM news and creative STEM based challenge “competitions.” Check out some of their videos at our Facebook page; if you get a chance!

In addition to the AV programming taking place in the MiX, workshop participation has increased dramatically. As an example, on April 11th 10 students participated in our “Zombie Detection Device” workshop. MiX members learned about wearable/embeddable electronics by prototyping their own “Zombie Detection” device using FLORA microcontrollers and light sensors, NeoPixel LEDs (to alert the wearer to the presence of Zombies of course) and conductive steel thread to sew their creations into clothing or the form of their choice. Members then used their devices to map “Zombie Zones” throughout the Museum in attempt to keep all Museum guests safe from the Zombie hordes.

MiX Members working on their Zombie Detection Devices

A full house of teens, just hanging out in The MiX on a Sunday afternoon!

A fun day in The MiX!