The YOUmedia Learning Labs Network Community of Practice is a free and open community of educators and mentors who share knowledge, questions, and collaborate with colleagues across the YOUmedia Learning Labs network.
The ASTC-hosted Community of Practice is a place to ask questions through the discussion forum, share ideas using the resource bank, and work collaboratively to to improve our own practice. As an open community, we welcomes those who are interested in working and learning alongside us.
Where to start on the Community of Practice

Discussion Forum:
This is a place to connect with other educators and mentors interested in Connected Learning, youth development, and YOUmedia Learning Labs. You can share about an awesome program you are running, ask for support about an issue you are facing, or share a great resource you found. Did you just join the CoP? Introduce yourself today!
A great way to catch up on the conversations happening in the discussions is to check out our Monthly Roundups.

Podcasts & Webinars:
Listen in on conversations from colleagues around the YOUmedia Network. You'll meet inspiring mentors, get insights on common problems of practice, or learn about new resources in the community.
Have a project or resource you'd like to discuss with others? We are always looking for the next great podcast episode! Email

The community features resources developed at Learning Labs and partners from around the country. You can search through all of the resources available on the site in the Resource Bank, or find curated lists of resources on different topics: Administrative, Curriculum Development, and Research.