Createch St. Paul

createch st. paul logo

Createch is located in St. Paul, MN with one dedicated space located at the Arlington Hills Community Center and 5 pop up program locations in libraries across St. Paul.


Createch has been operating for 3 years and is a partnership between St. Paul Public LIbrary, St. Paul Parks and Recreation, the Science Museum of Minnesota and SPNN.

Erica Redden, manager of the dedicated Createch space shared, “We have a dynamic, exciting space! It's become a very utilized hangout spot for teens in the community. We get the chance to introduce teens to a lot of fun things and equipment they wouldn't normally get to explore.”


The most popular programs are music production, sewing, gaming, and painting.

Coming up in March 2018, Createch is celebrating  "March Madness" with sports and game themed programs all month. Youth in the space will get to build and decorate a Pinbox300. The Pinbox is a cardboard pinball machine that can be designed and customized. It was developed by local maker and design company Cardboard Teck Instantute. Createch youth will also get to mix DIY sports drinks, join a  month-long tournament bracket for the videogame NBA 2K, make DIY foam fingers, and designing a sports jersey.

Also popular in the space is Girl's Night, which is the first and third Thursdays of every month. All teens who identify as women take over the Createch space, and make it their own.

